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"Awesome" #BookReview Everywhere and Every Way by Jennifer Probst #Romance

Everywhere and Every Way (Billionaire Builders #1)
Hot on the heels of her beloved Marriage to a Billionaire novels, New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst nails it with the first in an all-new sexy romance series featuring red-hot contractor siblings who give the Property Brothers a run for their money!

Ever the responsible eldest brother, Caleb Pierce started working for his father’s luxury contracting business at a young age, dreaming of one day sitting in the boss’s chair. But his father’s will throws a wrench in his plans by stipulating that Caleb share control of the family business with his two estranged brothers.

Things only get more complicated when demanding high-end home designer Morgan hires Caleb to build her a customized dream house that matches her specifications to a T—or she’ll use her powerful connections to poison the Pierce brothers’ reputation. Not one to ignore a challenge, Caleb vows to get the job done—if only he can stop getting distracted by his new client’s perfect…amenities.

But there’s more to icy Morgan than meets the eye. And Caleb’s not the only one who knows how to use a stud-finder. In fact, Morgan is pretty sure she’s found hers—and he looks quite enticing in a hard hat. As sparks fly between Morgan and Caleb despite his best intentions not to mix business and pleasure, will she finally warm up and help him lay the foundation for everlasting love?

Ms. Probst definitely knows how to set up a series. The story started off on a sad note and I wondered how she’d have the hero recover from it, but she transitioned it well. But I’ll warn you that this story had sadness interwoven throughout. It’s hard to make me cry, so I didn’t shed tears, but some people would’ve been bawling. Both the hero and heroine had heartbreaking backstories which interwove perfectly into their present lives and romance.
Caleb ended up being an awesome hero. Sure he could be a jerk to his brothers and Morgan in the beginning, but he transitioned into a sweet, yet still alpha, guy who knew how to communicate and treat a woman well.
Morgan was the kind of heroine I like best. An independent, strong, charmer who knew how to get the job done. I didn’t like the manipulative move she pulled in the beginning, though (I’ll leave that for you to read about). As I mentioned before, her past was tragic, but she survived it as a stronger person.
Caleb and Morgan were wonderful together. The perfect power couple. I loved the pacing of the romance. Sure the sparks flew in the beginning so I thought they’d end up in bed right away, but they got to know, resist and tease each other before the inferno hit.
The secondary characters were awesome. The Pierce brothers were so delicious that I wanted to read their stories alongside Caleb’s. So you know I can’t wait to read book two in the series. Those huge, loveable, goofy dogs stole the show.

Reviewed by

Disclaimer: A copy of the book was provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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