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Double release tour for Nikki Lynn Barrett #contemporaryromance #giveaway @nikkilynnbarret

Double release tour for Nikki Lynn Barrett

Love and Music In Texas Book 5

Name of cover designer: Robert Barrett 
Official genre of book: Contemporary romantic

Life is full of choices... 

Right before she turned sixteen, Taryn McAllister made several rebellious choices, one which led her to become the drummer for a major teen sensation country star. After a deadly accident, she made another choice - to get back on the wagon and play drums again, no matter that it took adapting because she's confined to a wheelchair.

Now another set of choices is thrust upon her. After reconnecting with her estranged best friend, Taryn is offered a chance to play drums for a local Texas band ready for the Nashville move. Her once strong confidence is shaken, and she's torn between her love of music and the reality that it might not work out.

Chris Roland made a string of bad choices, and it's left him feeling numb. Now he's playing the drums temporarily for his sister's band, but he knows this isn't the life for him. Problem is, he doesn't know what direction to go. He knows what he doesn't want, but can't decide on what he does want.

And then he meets Taryn, the feisty drummer who could be his replacement. He's relieved for a chance to break away....that is until he gets to know her. And while he's getting to know her, she's helping to open up a part of his soul that was long dead and buried.

It's high time to make the right choices. It's just a matter of deciding what choice is right.

“Okay, I've got the book.” Chris wrangled himself away from the woman's arm. “Alice, have you met Taryn? She's playing drums for Baby Stetson. We managed to steal her away from Kyra Sanders.” His eyes met hers, and Taryn knew right off the bat this made him uncomfortable.

Ah. This must be one of his casual sex partners. Fan-friggin-tastic. Taryn gave Alice a long glance. She could see why Chris was attracted to her. Alice had long, dark hair, big breasts, and plenty to offer. So what the hell did he continue to see her for if he could get things from women like Alice?
“Really? You play drums?” Alice didn't hide her shock.

“She's one of the best drummers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Moving around Alice as she continued to gawk, Chris settled in the chair again, then slid the book over to Taryn. “Pick your poison.”

“Don't let Kyra hear you say that,” she giggled as she searched the book for Kyra's song listings. Then she realized Alice still lingered. “It's nice to meet you, Alice.” She stifled a laugh at the woman's look. She must not get rejected often. The feeling lasted for less than a minute before Taryn's insecurities crept in.

Not that she'd ever had a lot of success rates with men, but now she had a lot more stacked against her.

“Yeah, nice to meet you, too.” Alice faked it. She made it obvious. “You played drums for Kyra Sanders? Like seriously?”

“For three years.”

“Nice.” Alice brushed it off, then faced Chris. “Call me sometime. Soon. We need another good time.” She practically purred before sauntering off, swaying her ass as she moved.

“Taryn-” Chris started.

“Let me guess. She's one of your casuals,” she said at the same time, flipping the pages of the book back and forth in her hands.

“Was,” he corrected.


“Yes. Was. I don't want to be that person any longer.” He reached across and covered one of her hands. Taryn froze. The way she reacted to his touch scared her.

“What kind of person do you want to be?” Her voice cracked. Damn, she needed water.

“The person who gets and keeps your attention,” Chris said softly.

“But-” She darted a glance towards the way Alice went.

“Don't, Taryn. Don't look back at her and compare. I know you are. I didn't even remember her name until Melody said something about it being the girl who works at the inn. I know, it sounds bad as I say it.”

Yeah, yeah she was. Damn him for figuring it out.

Life Won't Wait, Book #1

Name of cover designer: Robert Barrett 
Official genre of book: Contemporary romantic

When the next King of country music offers to take you under his wing, what's a girl to do?

Pinch herself, of course. Repeatedly. Then take the offer!

Quinn Winters is tired of being the actress known for most killed off characters. After discovering her love of music when her last role portrayed a country singer on a daytime soap opera, she's making a much needed change in life. Quinn is unprepared for the demands and expectations needed to succeed in Music City. One pleading call from her sister puts her in an all too familiar, but unwanted position.

Five years ago, Tucker McGinnis auditioned for a reality singing show, never expecting to win. His sudden fame and popularity comes as a major surprise. After a multi platinum debut, his second album is suffering the dreaded sophomore jinx. His musical muse becomes elusive when guilt plagues him over an accident which affects his family. He is blown away by Quinn when he overhears her audition at his record label, singing his most personal song.

An attraction builds, and a connection through music is formed. But when life gets in the way, Tucker makes another offer - A temporary marriage which will benefit both of them, until things become too real.

Two souls destined for the stage, two hearts blending together to create beautiful music as individuals, but even better as country music's next power couple- if they can shed the images of who they used to be.

“No. I can't let that happen. She's my niece. I want to take her. Tell me what I have to do to become her guardian,” Quinn pleaded. “Winnie said she'd sign over custody if need be, so what do I do?”

“Quinn, how can you do that? Aren't you in Nashville trying to get a record deal? That's not the life Piper needs. She needs stability.” The woman's tone was sympathetic. Her gaze landed on Tucker. Something flickered in her eyes. Probably recognition.

“I'll sell the property Grams left me. It'll give me the money to take care of Piper and hopefully get something going for Winnie when she gets clean.” Desperation laced her voice. Tucker could tell by the stricken tone that she didn't want to go that route.

He had no idea what made him do it, especially since Quinn never agreed, but Tucker spoke without thinking on it too much. “She has stability. She's kinda living with me already. She's also started a job with me for the past few months, and we've become close. I- I know it's a short time, but I've been thinking about asking her to marry me. Is that stable enough?”

When Quinn gasped, Tucker stepped closer and closed his fingers over her cold, clammy ones. Forgive me, darlin'. I couldn't help myself. Again he'd made a ballsy, unlike him move. “I'm sorry to ruin the surprise, but you know I'll do whatever I can for you, and especially Piper.” His voice wavered. No taking the words back now. “I don't want to you give up that property. We've talked about this, darlin'” Did he pull off the act?

What. The. Fuck. Possessed him to do that?

“I knew you looked familiar. Tucker McGinnis.” The woman's jaw dropped.

“Yes, ma'am. I heard Quinn's voice one day, and I couldn't stay away. We kept our relationship quiet for personal reasons, of course. Whatever we need to do in order to get Piper in Quinn's custody, please let us know. We'll make it all official right away if we have to. Quinn and Piper will be well cared for. The two of them won't have a thing to worry about.”

Dig a hole, why don'tcha?

The case worker attempted to keep her composure. Tucker noted the relief in her eyes. “I'll go get Piper so you can see her. We'll need to get official documentation and permission from your sister. If she'll sign over guardianship to you, we'll have this taken care of within a few days. If she refuses...” She started to walk away. “Oh, and Quinn? Congratulations. I'm so happy you're happy. Good for you.”

“You and me. Outside. Now,” Quinn muttered through clenched teeth. He followed her to the front porch. “What the hell were you thinking? Do you know how much worse you made this? Seriously, Tucker!”

I'm an avid lover of books. I've been writing as far back as I can remember, completing my first "book" by fifth grade in one of those one subject spiral notebooks. I have a passion for music, photography, jewelry and all things creative. I live in Arizona with my husband and son, but dream of being somewhere much colder and stormier. For now, I'll have to live that life through my characters and stick it out with the summer heat.

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Nikki Lynn Barrett

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