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Dragons are not supposed to exist. #Fire #PNR @Authortflowers

Title: Fire
Series: A Dragon's Novel #1
Author: Tiffany Flowers
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Dragons are not supposed to exist. They are just fairy tale creatures in stories used to get children to sleep. Now faced with a living breathing Dragon, Jade Teal has no choice but to believe. And with this newfound knowledge, danger arrives at every turn.
Alex Sparks is the leader of the Drac Dragon Clan. He doesn’t want a mate, ever. Sent out on a rescue mission to save a human female, he comes face to face with someone that he did not expect. To protect her, his world will be set on fire.

Got the female. She is injured. I am going to hide out in the apartment to make sure she doesn’t need medical attention. If she doesn’t, we should be home tomorrow. I send across the line that connects my clan together. It is a mental connection that allows us to speak through our minds.

They all answer with okay except Dimitri who always has a smart ass comment. She must be your mate or you would have tied her to the back of your dragon form and dragged her here for someone else to tend to. Never thought I would see the big bad Alex brought to his knees by a careless female.

I growl through the connection, letting them all know he is right. SHIT. Shut up, Dimitri, or I will burn you until you’re almost dead, let you heal and do it all over again.

I shut off the connection, not wanting to hear their snide comments. How in the world is this fragile female mine? I need a hard female that can keep up with me, on and off the battlefield. I walk to her to make sure she is breathing, even though I know my body would know the instant she wasn’t. The magic coming off my body has found her. There is no turning back. She has already become the air in my lungs. It is how Dragons’ bodies are made. Nothing my head thinks matters now. My heart has found its rhythm.

She begins to come to. She coughs and groans. Her eyes flash open and meet mine. They are blue. Blue like the bottom of a flame.
Tiffany Flowers was born and raised in a small town in Alabama. She was always caught reading and jotting down little ideas. Now all grown up she lives a town over from where she was born. She lives with her husband and three kids. You will still catch her reading, but now she turns those ideas into novels.

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Tiffany Flowers

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