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Falling in love was now the last thing on her mind @MisKay85 #Romance

Mine series, book 1
by Kay Maree

Genre: contemporary romance (does contain triggers)


I'm scared but I have to be strong not just for me but for my beautiful daughter, after years of being emotionally and physically abused it needed to end.

I always wanted a love like the fairy tales I was told as a child, a love like my parents had but after escaping hell I lost all hope.

Trusting another man and falling in love was now the last thing on my mind, making it through everyday was now the new goal for my daughter and me.

Then everything changed the day I looked into the most captivating green eyes I have ever seen, it was like they saw into my very soul.

And I knew nothing would ever be the same again.


I was brought up in a dangerous world, a world I had to quickly become accustomed to.

It took my brothers death and the events that unfolded after that lead me to be the man I am today a Mob Boss.

One of the most powerful man in Newcastle, I'm not a good guy, I have done bad things.

I closed my true self off the day I failed to protect the one person I loved dearly, and she paid the ultimate price.

But one look into those ocean blue eyes and I felt my whole purpose in life shift, I didn't deserve her but I was going to make her Mine.

I had finally found the missing pieces to my heart I didn't know I was missing and I wasn't letting them go...



My Angel turns toward Antonio and graces him with the biggest smile I have seen, it’s one of those smiles which would brighten up the darkest day. My stomach knots with a sting of possessiveness. Jealousy. I should be the one receiving that smile. I give her hand a little squeeze trying to draw her attention back to me. I know it’s irrational, but I don’t care. I’m a selfish bastard and that smile is mine.

Shit, I’m fucked and by the look Antonio is giving me he knows it too.

“And your name?” she says jolting me out of my thoughts

“Oh, I’m sorry. Dominic and it’s a pleasure meeting you, Angel” I turn her hand over in mine lift it to my lips and plant a gentle kiss. Her hand is so soft I don’t want to release her. As each second passes, it gets harder to regain my control.

“Dominic,” she repeats in her breathless voice again. Then something changes, her body tenses up and the expression on her face becomes blank. She snatches her hand from mine and backs up a step as she mumbles, “I’m sorry, I better get back to work.” With those words, she turns and hurries away.

What the fuck just happened? I know she felt what I felt, so why is she pulling back? I watch her walk away noticing the sexy sway of her hips. Fuck she’s gorgeous! I know I’m not finished with this little one just yet, actually, I’m only just getting started. I remove one of my business cards from my pocket, drink the now lukewarm coffee in one gulp then slowly make my way over to my skittish Angel at the counter. Her back is to me so I murmur her name. I watch as she tenses up before her shoulders loosen. She turns around with a smile on her face. This is not like the one she had before, this one is forced. I’m not exactly sure what happened in the last five minutes to cause me to lose her, but I’m going to find out. “I just wanted to give you this. My contact details are on there and the name of my club.” I slide the card across the counter

and her eyes widen. “Maybe we can grab a drink tonight, your friend can come to. I know Antonio would love to get to know her a little better. How about we say nine? I’ll put your names on the list at the door under Brooklyn Angel and Katherine Tiger.”

My lips twitch as she struggles to hold back a giggle at the pet names. I chuckle low in my throat when she doesn’t succeed “Oh and make sure you wear that perfume you have on.” I wink before turning and head to Antonio who is waiting by the door watching Red, but not before I catch her blush again. Hmmm… again I wonder how far down that blush goes.

I live in Newcastle, on the New South Wales coast of Australia with my husband and three beautiful children.

Between being a taxi for my children, and working full-time, I somehow find the time to write. It’s something I love with a passion and with the encouragement of my very supportive husband, I have accomplished one of my dreams – releasing my first novel.

I hope you fall in love with my characters as much as I have.

I love reading and getting lost in a good book when I manage to snatch five minutes to myself.

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