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Can he fight her demons as well as his own? @meganlowe87 #SportRomance #Giveaway


Author: Megan Lowe
Title: Breaking Away
Series: Rocking Racers, Book 3
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
Release Date: August 5, 2017
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Claire Smith

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To the outside world, Mav Ryan is living the dream. With a high profile and successful FMX career, it’s something Mav knows a million guys would kill to have. But not him. He yearns for something different, something more.

Aubrey James has had enough of bad boys to last a lifetime. When her brother, Josh, brings home the heavily tattooed definition of a bad boy, Mav, she wants nothing to do with him. It's not until a shadow from Aubrey’s past threatens her future, that to her surprise, Mav steps in.

But can he fight her demons as well as his own? Or will Mav realise that sometimes breaking away can lead to finding your home?

It’s a cliché, but as I walk out of the ballroom the gala is being held in, I feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The sounds of the party quickly fade as I leave it and my family behind. I know this is a shitty way of doing things, but I couldn’t think of another way. Besides, it’s not like I had this planned. It was only when Reed gave his toast that I realised I had no idea what I was waiting for. It’s not like my family are going to give me a permission slip to leave. I don’t even know if they know I’m not happy. Nope, this is all up to me.

I quickly drive through our moderately sized home town to the house Jax and I share. Looking out my bedroom window, I can see the house I grew up in, the lights all on. My pa and pop are in there looking after Avery and Chris. I know I should go over there and tell them what I’m doing, where I’m going, but I’m scared shitless of their reaction. It’s not that I think they’ll be pissed; it’s the disappointment I know I’ll see in their eyes that stops me. I might be the strong, silent type, but I don’t know if I’m strong enough to withstand that. With all my shit packed, I quickly scribble a note.

I’m sorry I left this way, but it was the only way I thought I could. I don’t mean to upset anyone, but I can’t live like this anymore, it’s too much. Please let me go. I’ll be okay and get in touch when I’m ready. I’m sorry. I love you all, Mav.

I’m an hour outside Booker when the calls start. First Bria, then Reed and Jax. Just as I reach the New South Wales border, a final text message comes through, this one from Park.
Park: Do what you need to, be safe, we love you.
I turn off my phone and toss it onto the passenger seat. The road stretches out in front of me, and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can breathe.

 On sale for $2.99 
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2smmKjK
All others: books2read.com/breaking-away

Rocking Racers Series SALE!

Breaking the Cycle
Book 1
 99 cents 
 All buy links HERE

No Place to Hide
Book 2
 60% OFF 
All buy links HERE

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Megan Lowe is a lost journalism graduate who after many painful years searching for a job in that field, decided if she couldn’t write news stories, she would start listening to the characters whispering stories to her and decided to write them down.  She writes primarily New Adult/Contemporary Romance stories with Sport and Music themes. She is based on the Gold Coast but her heart belongs to New York City. When she’s not writing she’s either curled up with a good book, travelling or screaming at the TV willing her sporting teams to pull out the win.

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