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Can she mend his broken spirit? @LRobbins_Author #RomanticSuspense

Cover Designer: Jo-Anna Walker of Just Write. Creations
Formatter: Deena Rae of E-BookBuilders for Beyond DEF
Publish Date: 06/15/2017


Blinded in Iraq while in the Marines, Matthew Cage never realized the key to unlocking his forever midnight world was within arm’s reach.

Dawn Richards first saw her best friend’s older brother via webcam. For years, she secretly desired him, keeping her fantasies hidden from the rest of the world. 
After a downward spiral, Matthew secluded himself in his prison of darkness, but his sister and friends helped him find his way. Having worked hard to become a Master Instructor in Close Quarters Combat, Matthew's world seems normal until tragedy strikes.

When Dawn’s life is threatened, Matthew refuses to let her deal with it alone. Can Dawn trust him to protect her? Will Matthew finally believe he can have sunshine in his world?


I woke up to total darkness. I didn’t know if I was dead or alive until I tried to blink, but the pain was worse if I tried to breathe or move, so I figured I must be alive and in hell. Turns out I was right.
I wanted to fight the suffocating fear that came over me. I tried to calm my panic and assess the circumstances.
I was definitely lying in a bed. I felt buried alive. Is there a blanket over my face? Am I paralyzed? Why can’t I move? Why can’t I see or hear anything except incessant beeping?
Hot waves of pain crashed over me, reverberating through every fiber of my body. All the limbs must have been there; I felt pain fucking everywhere. Surely if I had lost some parts, they wouldn’t be hurting so much. Able to move one hand, I used it to explore. Painfully reaching up to feel my face covered with bandages, I discovered wires sticking out from it. My lips were rough and hard; they didn’t feel like lips. I could put the tip of my pinky in my partially open mouth, but then wires and braces stopped it from further exploration. Oh shit, this is going to totally suck.
I moved my hand downward to the bandages covering my chest and then over my stomach to my dick—limper than I ever remembered it being, but at least all in one piece. My entire right side was heavily bandaged, radiating with agonizing pain.
What happened to me? What the fuck happened to me, and what’s coming next?
I started to panic again, which caused the telemetry heart monitor to beep so loudly I didn’t hear the nurse come in.
“You’ll be all right.” The nurse’s hands were firm, yet gentle, as she soothed my arm tied to the bedside. “Try to relax. I’m giving you something in your IV to help you calm down.”
I escaped the only way I could, back into oblivion.


Leigh Robbins earned her Master of Science in counseling psychology from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Leigh writes romance novels because love makes her world go ‘round. If not romance, what besides the flu, makes your heart beat faster, your breath more rapid, and your temperature soar? Lucky to have found love at fifteen, Leigh and her husband live in South Florida surrounded by their family and fur babies.

Leigh’s books are tales of love and lust not written for the faint of heart. Self-published, she seeks your help to spread the word and help like-minded readers find her books. If you enjoy reading them, Leigh always appreciates your reviews on the bookseller websites, or you can contact her via email to say hello!

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