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Together they can make new dreams come true #RomCom @meikausher

The Breakaway series, book 1
by Meika Usher

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy


Big dreams. Tierney Chandler had ‘em. Why else would she leave her small town—and her picture perfect fiancé—behind? Nine years later, the town’s still small, her dreams are mostly still dreams, and her still-perfect ex is interested. Maybe she should ditch her daydreams and pick up right where she left off…


Jack Elliott is a baker, making his dreams come true one golden, flaky pie crust at a time. Years ago, he lost out on his chance with Tierney, but now she’s back—and he’s determined not to let his annoyingly perfect cousin swoop in and steal her away. Again.

With a little magic potpie, some stellar kisses, and a heaping helping of blue-eyed charm, maybe—just maybe—Jack can convince Tierney that he’s the dream she’s been waiting for.

“If only you’d kiss me. Then, things would be just swell.” He looked up and added, “I’ve been waiting years, you know.”

My eyes fell to his mouth. Only inches separated us. I’d just have to lean in…

“Get over here.” Jack said, his voice husky, his eyes burning into mine. And who was I to disobey an order like that?

I moved in, closing my eyes as his hands came up to either side of my face. I could feel his breath on my lips as he drew closer and closer.

Suddenly, my eyes flew open. “What if it sucks?”

“What?” Jack dropped his hands, confusion clearing away the heat that had been in his eyes seconds before. “You picked a mighty good time to doubt my kissing ability, darlin’.”

I put my hands up in a helpless gesture. “Sorry, it’s just…there’s been so much build up. There’s a lot of pressure for this kiss to be good. What if it isn’t? What if—“

Jack cut me off, crushing his lips to mine, his hands pushing through my hair.

And just like that, the world shifted. A whimper left my throat as my hands slid up his arms. Without breaking the kiss, I got to my knees and moved closer. Jack’s hands left my hair to trail down my neck and over my shoulders, settling on my waist.

Sparks scattered over every inch of my skin, ending with a full-on lights display behind my eyes. I shoved my hands into Jack’s hair and leaned closer until I lost my balance, ending up in his lap. He laughed then, the sound vibrating sweetly through my entire body. Turned out, his laugh felt better than it sounded.

With one hand behind my neck, the other resting on my waist, Jack deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth, slow, luxurious. The embers burning low in my abdomen roared to life. I brushed my tongue against his and he rewarded me with a delicious groan that broke through whatever semblance of restraint I’d been holding onto. Parting, I straddled him, then smiled before pressing my mouth to his once more.

Jack’s hands found the bottom of my shirt and his fingertips played with the naked skin there. My legs began to shake, my lungs ached, my body burned. And yet I didn’t want to stop kissing him.

A sound from my left startled us apart. We looked in time to see Jack’s fishing pole take a nosedive into the pond. I laughed and shook my head. “You, sir, are a terrible fisherman.”

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Meika Usher is a Michigan romance author, a puppy mama, and a lover of pizza in all its forms. When she's not writing snarky, sexy love stories, she can be found binge-watching Supernatural (she's a Dean girl), memorizing all the song lyrics ever (it's her superpower), or planning to see the world, one country at a time (Prague is next on her list).

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