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Get ready for @acopelandauthor to take you on an amazing journey #YA #Fantasy



Get ready for Andi Copeland to take you on an amazing journey into a new world where good and evil clash in an epic battle - 

Oracle- Guardians of Truth book 1

Coming - September 28, 2017 

Rhennan Ward is no one special. Or so she thought. When her grandmother gives her a Tree of Life pendant for her eighteenth birthday, she finds out how very different she really is. 

Rhennan is next in line to be Oracle, the one chosen by the Creator to guard the secret of Heaven – The Tree of Life. Rhen's grandmother, the current Oracle, fails to pass along the knowledge of Rhen’s destiny, and when strange things start happening, Rhen believes she is going crazy. Coming into her powers before her time, Rhen sees things she shouldn’t. Her parents are keeping secrets from her, and that only adds to the stress she feels about her sanity.

Maddox Bell is the new guy at school. When the tall, good-looking bad-boy shows up in his leather jacket and moto boots, all it takes is one look into his sapphire eyes, and he makes Rhen forget about her ex-boyfriend - the one who broke her heart. He also makes her forget to study, and with only three months left in the school year, Rhen is torn between keeping her perfect grade point average and spending time with the man who has his own secrets. As Maddox and Rhen become closer, things get stranger, threatening to rip them apart.

When Rhen makes one desperately wrong decision, her life and that of her family, is irrevocably changed forever.  “If this was Hell, the Christians on Earth were going to be pissed.”

Talon Silver is the Guardian who has been watching over Rhen her entire life. He is also the one who rescues her from the hands of a demon. He is supposed to be one of the good guys, having Angel blood. Why, then, is Rhen hesitant to trust him?

Angels and demons. Good versus evil. Things aren’t always black and white, and Rhen has to figure out who she can trust.


Available for PRE-ORDER NOW at your favorite retailer

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"I read the ARC of Oracle. OMG I never, ever, ever would buy a book like this. But I already preordered this one. This book is freaking AMAZING!!! "  - Early reviewer

Chapter One

Have you ever had a possum walk across your grave? You know that feeling that starts at your nape and snakes its way down your spine while the hair on your arms stands on end? Your whole body shivers while you look around for the boogeyman, but you can’t see anything. I was sitting in first period when it happened to me.


It didn’t take long to figure out the cause. Our classroom door opened, and in walked the most beautiful man I had ever seen. And when I say man, I mean this guy had to be a substitute teacher or someone’s older brother, because there was no way he was young enough to be a student. Long black hair brushed his shoulders which were encased in a well-worn leather jacket. Faded jeans led to a pair of black moto boots. His most striking feature, from the quick perusal I had given him, was his eyes. They were a deep sapphire. I know this because I sat close to the front of the room.

And he was staring straight at me.

That might not have been so odd if I were Brittany or Kinsley, the prettiest girls in our class. But I wasn’t. I was plain Rhennan Ward. For whatever reason, none of the other kids were paying any attention to him. I turned my head toward my best friend. Surely Jenna would be staring at him too. She wasn’t. What the heck was going on? Was I the only one who could see how gorgeous this man was? When I turned back around, Mr. Blue Eyes was headed toward me. I lowered my chin to my chest and averted my gaze until he stopped and took the only vacant seat in the classroom, which happened to be right next to mine. Great.

“Class, I would like for you to welcome Maddox Bell. He comes to us from…” Mrs. Bain looked back down at the piece of paper she was holding and frowned. “Anyway, say hello to Maddox.”

Maddox. Of course he would have a cool name. Not Bill or Ted, but I had no doubt this guy had plenty of excellent adventures. His name matched his swagger, and I still didn’t believe he wasn’t older than the rest of us. Half the class muttered hello while the other half continued to ignore the new guy the way they usually did.

Maddox Bell wasn’t just another guy. Something about him was different. My skin was still itching from the way he had looked right at me. Maybe he was an undercover cop. It’s not like our school was exempt from kids selling drugs or teens running away. Northfield was your average public high school. But that wouldn’t explain why he had singled me out. I was pretty boring for the most part. No boyfriend. Highest grade point average out of over three hundred seniors. My social life consisted of going for coffee drinks after school with my best friend and hanging out with my little sister. See? Boring.

I wanted so badly to turn and stare at him to make sure I hadn’t been wrong about his looks or his age. Maybe he was so good-looking the others couldn’t look his way, like he was an Angel or something. Now you’re being ridiculous. My thoughts had been off-kilter lately, so thinking Maddox Bell was an Angel wasn’t out of the norm.

“Rhennan, if you would share your book with Mr. Bell until we can find him one, I would appreciate it,” Mrs. Bain announced. Maddox didn’t hesitate to scoot his desk closer to mine, sliding his arm along the back of my chair and leaning toward me. How did he know I was Rhennan? I turned my head to ask him that, but the words died in my throat. Either I was going crazy, or the pupils of his eyes were slitted like a snake’s. He blinked, and they were back to the same deep blue that had pierced me moments before. Yep. Going crazy.

I swallowed hard as I pushed my chemistry book over so it was half on my desk and half on his. After that, I kept my eyes down and off Maddox Bell. More than once his breath ghosted across my neck and cheek as he leaned closer, but I locked down the urge to face him. His scent alone – a mixture of leather and smoke – was doing crazy things to my brain.  None of the other boys in our school smelled this good, not that I went around sniffing them. Then again, none of the other boys looked this good, and they sure didn’t make me see things that weren’t there.

For the last two weeks, ever since my eighteenth birthday, my life had gone from normal to anything but. Before the tenth, or BTT as I liked to call it, I was just a regular girl who made good grades and spent time with her little sister and her best friend. I didn’t dream at night, or if I did, I didn’t remember them. Now, not only was I having vivid dreams – most of which were nightmares – but I was remembering every little detail in Technicolor. During the day, I had started having flashes of someone or something in my peripheral vision, but when I turned to look, there was nothing there. I had the feeling of being followed. Watched.

I had read articles in various magazines about trusting your instincts. How your gut feeling was the universe’s way of cluing you in on what was happening around you. My instincts had been on high alert ever since my birthday. I wish my instincts would chill out, because they had me on edge, and I couldn’t afford that. Not with only three months left until I graduated.

It was a good thing I was a straight-A student, because I had no idea what Mrs. Bain said for the next forty-five minutes. Dizziness danced around me, and it took every ounce of willpower I had not to run from the room. When the bell rang, I grabbed my book and slammed it shut a little harder than necessary; but in my defense, my brain wasn’t functioning properly, and I blamed that on Maddox. Instead of going to my locker, I waited outside the classroom for Jenna, and as soon as she cleared the door, I grabbed her sleeve and pulled her farther down the hall. “Did you see him?” I gushed.

“That Maddox kid? Yeah, why?” she asked nonchalantly, like he wasn’t some kind of god in black leather.

I looked around to make sure nobody was listening, and said, “You’re kidding, right? There’s no way he’s eighteen.”

About Andi Copeland

Andi Copeland is a YA Fantasy author who lives outside Nashville, Tennessee with the love of her life, and her four-legged best friend. She strongly believes that love is love, and there's not enough love in the world.

She began writing in high school and over the years, penned many stories and poems. When her dreams continued to get crazier than the one before, she decided to keep a dream journal. Many of these night-time escapades have led to a line, a chapter, and even a complete story.

Andi is a lover of music, mostly hard rock, and she prefers it live and loud. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, riding her Harley, or playing trivia.
When asked what her purpose in life is, she will say it’s to entertain the masses. Even if it's one person at a time.

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