Blink: The Series
by J Kahele
Tragedy strikes Tia Cartwright at the tender age of fourteen and she employs alcohol as a coping mechanism, to rid the haunting memories.
By eighteen she is a full-fledged alcoholic. Attempting to find sobriety, she makes the decision to move, with her cousin Nick, to a place where she had been happy as a child, her parents' vacation house in Maui.
Sobering up is a struggle for her. The detoxing more difficult than she realizes. She seeks comfort for her troubles in the ocean and all its surroundings. It's here she encounters the woman on the cliff. A woman with breathtaking beauty and eyes that draw her in. A woman who will change her life forever.

Illuminated by the silvery moon, her hair was short and dark, with just a hint of white. Her skin was tan, her cheeks high and profound, lips as red as rubies. Yet what intrigued me the most was her amber eyes. They were glowing in the darkness and they drew me in. A perfect light enveloped me, a radiance that warmed me inside. The golden color was so intense that it sent an aching shiver creeping up my spine. I felt the urge to look away, but couldn’t. It was like watching a car crash, something so horrifying and yet fascinating at the same time. My vision began to blur and my head throbbed.
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