10 Tips for Writers
You can’t profit from what you haven’t published
It amazes me how many people contact me about making the money from a book before it is even written. If I had a dollar for every time someone ask me that, I will be even further on my way to wealth. Write the book. We’ll publish the book and then we can worry about the wealth once it is written.
Write what you are passionate about, it’s easier -
I give this example all of the time about writing what you are passionate about. Ask a new grandmother to tell you about her new grandchild. It is easy because it is her new love and joy. Your book should be written about what you are passionate about and love. It shouldn’t be hard to write. What do you love? Go write about it. Let’s go!
Writing is therapeutic, go to therapy everyday
Writing is a daily habit to me. From social media posts, to blog posts to eBooks or full length books, I write every single, solitary day. Some people are more creative than others but when I write, I create and it is therapeutic for me. What ideas are in your head? Write them down. It will make you feel better and hopefully, it can help someone else. Therapy is great, get it every day.
Write in small blocks of time
Have you ever wanted to write a book, blog or just a social media post and didn’t have the time? Sometimes sitting for a long period of time is not feasible. I suggest writing in small blocks of time. Take 30 minutes prior to leaving for work, lunch hour or before you go to bed each night to write. It will surprise you how much you are able to get accomplished if you write in small blocks of time.
Write like you talk, it will connect better to your audience.
People like to identify with people that they like and understand. Having an extensive vocabulary works very well in certain environments or events but having the ability for your words resonate with or hit home with an everyday person without them having to have a dictionary or thesaurus present is so effective. Connect with your audience and help them to get to know you better by writing just like you talk. Now, grammatically that may change but if you met me, you could hear me say, “let’s make it happen” or even, “how can I help you?” or “what’s your book about?” So talk to me through your writing and when I meet you, I’ll know that it’s really you and not just the editor talking. “Let’s go write now!”
Paint the picture with your words
I am extremely visual person. I have a bad habit of keep draws open and like open shelving so I can see everything at one time. If I don’t see it, I can lose it. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true, but I believe that a thousand words can paint a beautiful picture.
Use descriptive words. Even when we are reading your words, we should be able to see, touch, taste, smell and feel like we are right in the place or setting of your writing. There is no picture but the words are painting the picture.
Don’t throw anything away, it could be your next book.
Ideas may come in the night, morning, watching TV or while you are sleeping. Those ideas may not fully develop into books, workshops, conferences or other products until time has gone by but no idea is a waste. Time and opportunity may not have met the idea at the same time for it to take off. Don’t throw any idea away. Keep that idea in that Google Drive document or journal or notebook. It will come in very handy one day. Throw nothing away in the trash! Keep all your notes whether they are on toilet paper, towel paper or tissue paper. Let’s go!
All authors need editors, it’s not terrible just needs to be edited.
I’ll just be honest. I have written 40 books and I will always need an editor. It’s a fact. You can review your work, read it out loud to catch mistakes, put it through spell check but someone else should also read your work. Two reasons. First, they may catch a grammatical mistake and secondly is clarity and understanding. Does the text make sense to someone who is not intimately connected to the work? Write the vision so plain enough that someone else can read it, go forth and implement the vision. An editor is critical and crucial to your work for grammatical errors as well as clarity of thought and message.
There is someone who needs your words, write the words and save a life.
We all want to be profitable in our writing. I know I do so that is why I went into business. But more important than profit is people. If you are able to help someone to fulfill their purpose and make their dream come true, there will be profit for you. Someone will pay you for what you know and can do. Be bold enough to write about your difficulty, hard lesson and life changing experience because there is someone out there who wants to be brave enough to head into a new direction toward and live a new life.
The Book’s Heartbeat is the Message
At the heart of every book is the message. What do you want to say to people that they will remember? What do you want them to do, say or transfer to others that you said in your book? Was it about love, loss, friendship, hardships, difficulties, sacrifice or ultimate victories? That’s what people are going to remember and hopefully, recommend your book to others. It’s your words that you are writing that will have the strongest impact on a person or the world.
Use your words carefully. Use your words wisely. Just use your words.
Julia Royston is an author, publisher, speaker and teacher. Julia provides full-service book publishing services, writing and publishing coaching services as well as hosts workshops and conferences to help aspiring writers become best-selling authors and thriving entrepreneurs. By profession, Julia is a 22-year certified, media specialist/technology instructor with the local public school system. For more information about Julia and her companies visit, www.juliaroyston.net
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About The Book
Jillian watched so many of her friends date, get engaged and marry before her. She wondered what was taking so long. Jillian had done all of the right things. She had gone to school, built a thriving company, owned a home, drove a luxury car and dedicated years of service to her church and community. But, where was her love? Come experience the lessons, longing and love of Jillian Forrester. Have faith, your love is on the way too.
Jillian watched so many of her friends date, get engaged and marry before her. She wondered what was taking so long. Jillian had done all of the right things. She had gone to school, built a thriving company, owned a home, drove a luxury car and dedicated years of service to her church and community. But, where was her love? Come experience the lessons, longing and love of Jillian Forrester. Have faith, your love is on the way too.
ISBN-10: 0692528067
ISBN-13: 978-0692528068
Book Title: Jillian Book 1 of the Women of the Fellowship Series
Genre: Romance Fiction
Barnes & Noble: https://tinyurl.com/ybk7pnpw
Amazon Kindle: http://a.co/g25CVcY
Amazon Paperback: http://a.co/cnd0R2q
Tour hosted by WLN Book Tours
Wonderful tips. Thank you for sharing!