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In the #HotSeat: Lenore from Free, A Novella by Felicia Denise @MsFelicia #ColorofLoveHop #WomensFic

Hello readers. Today we're excited to have Lenore 'Lennie' Porter from Free, A Novella by Felicia Denise in the Hot Seat for #ColorofLove2017 celebration.

You're welcome to our blog, Lenore. Thank you for hanging out with us today. We look forward to delving into your mind and finding out more about you. So let's get started.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My sons living and enjoying life and their careers, enjoying my own business success and sharing my life with a loving, supportive partner.

What is your current state of mind?

What is your most treasured possession?
 Photos of my boys as toddlers.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
I still haven’t found ‘The One’ but the love of my family is everything to me.

What is your greatest fear?
To not be needed.

What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

On what occasions do you lie?
I refuse to lie, even if it causes me or someone else pain.

Which is your favorite word or phrase?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would stop playing it safe all the time and take more personal risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Wise words. Thank you to Felicia for indulging us. Find out more about Lenore in Free, A Novella by Felicia Denise. Here are the details:

Lenore Porter’s life had not gone as she planned.
The marriage she put her heart and soul into failed.
The man she sacrificed so much for abandoned her.
But Lennie refused to be broken. She pushed on, running a successful business and raising her three sons alone.
Through health scares and severe family dysfunction and trauma which forever changed their lives, the Porter family clung to each other to keep from sinking into the darkness.
With her marriage over long ago and her adult sons living their own lives, Lenore Porter decides to sell the cold fortress she worked so hard to make a warm, loving home.
A short, final inspection of her former home turns into a confrontation with ghosts from the past, and decisions and events Lennie felt she’d dealt with and moved on from.
Free, a Novella is a short, clean read recounting one woman’s determination to not be broken by life or lose her identity.

Writing has been a hobby of Felicia’s since grade school, but other than serving as editor and writing for her high school newspaper, she never publicly shared anything until the early 2000s when she began writing fan fiction. At the urging of a good friend, Felicia took on the challenge of NaNoWriMo in 2015, writing what would become her first published book, In the Best Interest of the Child. It was released in the fall of 2016.
Currently working on several projects, Felicia plans to release book 2 of In the Best Interest of the Child – Family Matters, in December 2017.

Author Website – https://feliciadenise.com
Blog (Nesie’s Place) – https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
Monthly Newsletter - http://eepurl.com/cklOKL

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Women's Fiction

1 comment:

  1. It's great to meet you, Lenore. I really have to read this book.


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Have a nice day.

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