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This is the true story of Conquest and the five horsemen #PNR @Justinesbooks @hottreepromos

"I laughed and I sobbed and I devoured each and every word." ~ Goodreads
Book: Conquest
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: The Horsemen Series #2
 Here’s the problem with myths and legends; they're fiction. At one time, they may have been stories of real people, but over the ages, the story was passed from person to person, so what was once fact, becomes the written fables of those long ago. 

This is the true story of Conquest and the five horsemen.

Nicolette “Lettie” Osmond made her dying mother a vow: She would find a way to escape with her brother from the oppressive control of her father and The Order of Decay. Eight years later Lettie finally finds the resources and opportunity, but it means putting her faith in the one group of individuals she has been told since birth to never trust.

Connor “Conquest” Apocalos will do anything to protect his new sister and the happiness Dean has found—even kill his own brother if it comes to it. Hunting for Kayne and running Horsemen Hedge Funds, Connor hires an assistant, never expecting to find the one person fated for him.

Conquest must learn to woo a young woman without his power and is failing spectacularly, but will he still want her when he discovers the truth about Lettie and her connections?
Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2BVFNTt 

99c SALE

I wear many hats in the book world, but my newest is author. I juggle writing with being a wife, and mother to a family of six, working for Hot Tree Publishing as submissions coordinator, pre-edit beta reading for Hot Tree Editing, and of course, I still admin for Bex 'n' Books' book blog. 

Geez, I'm tired just typing all that, but I wouldn't trade a single moment. Not even for all the Chinese food and cheesecake in the universe.

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paranormal romance

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