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What does marriage mean for an Indian girl? @Ruchi_Vasudeva #ShortStory #Asian #KU

Cover reveal and book blitz details for Short Story  
Finding Her Way: An Indian Girl's dilemma by Ruchi Vasudeva


What does marriage mean for an Indian girl? Whether she marries for love or by arrangement, she’s forced to obey unreasonable demands. But she also wants to live her life on her own terms.
Avni is such a girl. When the man she loves and cares for wholeheartedly, throws her a curve ball, she chooses to walk away. What comes next for Avni?



He had stood out like a crow amid the peacocks at Chandigarh university, but soon enough he'd acquired the patina of an urban college boy and acted all cocky and full of swag. Soon, all the girls were fawning over him over his gym crafted muscles and rakish spiky hair.
But I had held back from admitting the attraction. Until the day of our practicals when I lost my file. Amid the chaos, Hitansh had quietly offered me his own. I was too honest to accept it, and bore the scoldings of the teacher, but still the gesture made me melt towards him. From the next session onward, we were found eating and studying together. Then somewhere during the study of Business Law, Auditing, and Advanced General Accounting, we drifted into the talk of long term and marriage. I was over the moon that he was serious and he told me he'd been scared I would cast him away.
My parents had flown into a rage when I told them of my decision.


Ruchi Vasudeva became an author in 2013 after winning a contest held by Harlequin, now under Harper Collins India. She is a doctor by profession and a family person at heart. She likes to write romantic stories about emotional growth and human dilemmas, Keep in touch with her at twitter @Ruchi_Vasudeva or via the link below. She loves to hear from her readers.
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