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Even when he does good, he’s bad… Indebted @Sharon_Cooper1 #IRRomance #bookrelease

Even when he does good, he’s bad…
Detective Lazarus Dimas doesn’t play by the rules. On the streets, he’s a force to be reckoned with, a dangerous man with a badge and a gun. But he does have a soft spot—the sexy assistant district attorney Journey Ramsey. There is something about the woman he can’t shake. She’s irresistible and off-limits. At least that’s what he keeps telling himself, but one kiss leads to others and well…so much for limits.
Journey plays by the rules, normally. But she can’t deny the sexual tension that sparks whenever Laz is near, even when he puts her professional integrity at risk. Laz is complex. The type of man fathers warn their daughters about. Yet, there’s a gentle, vulnerable side to him that he lets no one see except her, and she can’t resist him.
Can Laz prove he’s the man for Journey before a reopened case exposes his true colors? Or will the danger they face show that the love they share knows no boundaries?
Journey moaned as his tongue danced with hers, familiarizing itself with every nook and cranny of her luscious mouth. All the desire he’d had pent up over the years to kiss her came to the forefront as he savored every moment. This connection exceeded his expectations and when her hands slid into his hair, he just about lost it. His body throbbed with need. But just as quick as the kiss started, common sense settled over him like a cold chill.
They couldn’t do this.
He was no good for her.
If she ever got involved with him, his reputation alone would ruin her good name. Laz couldn’t let that happen.
Knowing this, he reluctantly broke off the kiss, but was slow to release her. They were like two magnets molded together and it was almost impossible to pull away. He needed to…he should…but he couldn’t, at least not yet.
Journey took her time opening her alluring eyes and he easily got lost in the dreaminess of them. This woman had a hold on him that he couldn’t explain. And now that he’d kissed her, he was screwed. If she had any idea how much power she had over him, she could do some serious damage to his heart. Good thing she’d never know.
Laz dropped his hands and Journey visibly shivered before clearing her throat.
“Um, how about that drink?” She hurried away from him, pouring herself a glass of wine, and taking a huge gulp.
Laz released a noisy breath and ran his hands through his hair, glad to know he wasn’t the only one affected by their intense lip-lock. Making himself at home, he reached into the refrigerator, not surprised that there was very little food since she spent most of her days at the office. Yet, she had plenty to drink. He grabbed a bottle of water and moved to the other side of the long counter, where she’d set the burritos he’d brought.
He pointed at their food. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
He waited until she was seated at the breakfast bar before snagging the stool next to her. They ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. What he needed to do was find out what she’d been holding back from him earlier, but first he had to get his body under control. Only minutes ago, flames of desire consumed him like the hottest fire, singeing every cell within him. He hadn’t felt this worked up in a while. Sure, he’d been with plenty of women over the years, but not one had him ready to say to hell with everything in order to have her. He hadn’t felt like this since…not since Gwenn.
Don’t go there, Dimas. He definitely didn’t need to travel down that mental road.
“The flowers were from a client,” Journey said out of nowhere.
Laz nodded, not bothering to ask if the client was male or female. It was best he didn’t know.
“Are you ready to tell me what you wanted to say earlier?” he finally asked Journey, tossing the wrapper from his burrito into the trash. He poured more wine into her glass before grabbing another bottle of water for himself. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
She wrapped her hands around her wineglass and he could feel the tension bouncing off her.
“What’s wrong? Are you in trouble? Is it a case? Because whatever it is, I know it’s bothering you.” He touched her hand and she looked at him. “You can trust me. Tell me what happened.”
“Laz, I could lose my job—or worse, be disbarred if I say anything right now.”
Okay, so this is serious.
“Is there something I can do to help?” he asked quietly. If she was in trouble, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do. He couldn’t explain his possessiveness when it came to her. He wasn’t even sure when his feelings for her had grown so strong.
“Be careful of the people around you,” she whispered, staring at her wineglass.
He stiffened. The words were spoken so quietly, he almost didn’t hear them.
“So this is about me?” he asked cautiously.
She gave a slight nod of her head before turning her troubled gaze in his direction. His heart squeezed. Not so much for himself, but for the worry he saw in her eyes.
“I can’t tell you anything more yet, but for now, Laz, just…watch your back.”
*Copyright © 2018 Sharon C. Cooper
Get your copy today!
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Paperback: Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble
NOTE: Indebted is an interracial romance.
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Sharon C Cooper

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the spotlight! Greatly appreciate it!


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