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#InTheHotSeat Princess Isha from His Captive Princess by @KiruTaye #RHOSaene #African #Romance

Love Africa Book Club welcomes the third princess in as many weeks to the blog.
Please give a warm welcome to First Princess, Isha Saene of the Kingdom of Bagumi as she spends time with our interviewer in preparation for her upcoming story, His Captive Princess written by Kiru Taye as part of the Royal House of Saene book series.
Check out the interview.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I’m always working hard to promote my country the Kingdom of Bagumi and my latest project is set to position Bagumi as the fastest growing mid-sized economy in the region.
     As for my greatest achievement, that is yet to come.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

     [Isha laughs] Perfect happiness? A notion for people with their heads in the cloud.
     [As she speaks a frown rumples her face]
     There was a time when I had thought that I was perfectly happy but I was soon dispossessed of that notion. There is no such thing as perfect happiness. It is nothing but a whim, a fleeting fantasy.

What is your current state of mind?

I’m in a party mood. [Isha smiles] I’m getting married in a few weeks and my friends have organised a bachelorette party in Lagos which I will be attending shortly after this interview.

What is your most treasured possession?

Before she died, my maternal grandmother, bless her soul, gave me a gift and I have treasured it ever since. You will have to find out what it is, in my story.
[Isha winks]

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

I love my family, my friends and my country.

Interviewer: What about your fiancé? you are getting married in a few weeks.

I’m very fond of Kweku and we respect each other. Both things are vital in marital love. So, sure, I love him.

What is your most marked characteristic?

I am passionate about what I believe in.

What is it that you most dislike?

I dislike people with no compassion or empathy.

What is your greatest fear?

I will admit to having some personal fears but I will not share them publicly.

What is your greatest extravagance?

     Frivolities? [Isha laughs] You are speaking to the wrong princess.
I don’t waste money on anything unnecessary.

What is your greatest regret?

     I trusted someone outside my family once. He let me down.

What is the quality you most like in a partner?


What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

     This interview is getting very personal. [Isha sighs] I get defensive sometimes.

What do you most value in your friends?

     I value friends who weather the storms of life with you.

Who is your favorite hero/heroine, fictional or real?

     I have the utmost respect for Winnie Mandela. Without her, Nelson Mandela might never have gained as much visibility around the world during his incarceration. Many people forget the immense role she played in the fight against apartheid. She was my heroine. May the Almighty grant her soul eternal rest.

On what occasions do you lie?

     I would lie to protect the people I love.

Which is your favorite word or phrase?

     There is a word I use when I get really angry. My mother doesn’t like it so I won’t repeat it here.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

     I would go back eleven years and rewrite history.

Thank you to Princess Isha and author Kiru Taye for indulging us.

His Captive Princess is out December 21, 2018

Read an excerpt and preorder: http://ow.ly/6IDZ30mxR56 

Add to Goodreads TBR: http://ow.ly/I8DP30mxRe9 

Check out our previous interviews with her sisters: 

Princess Amira

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  1. Yeah, Isha is a tough one. I'm curious about her favorite word. Great interview.

    1. Hahaha. Isha is a toughie because she has first daughter responsibilities that her sisters are lucky enough to escape. 😃

      Thank you!

      Season's Greetings. ❤️🎄


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