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Investigations reveal a sinister, ritualistic pattern #Psychological #Thriller #KU Jenni Boyd

Title: Faith
Author: Jenni Boyd
Genre; Psychological Thriller 

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In the remote outback South Australian town of Marree, the local policeman, Constable William Scott, receives orders to investigate an emergency call.
Scott along with his trusty Kelpie dog, Lexie, battle the harsh, arid conditions to the isolated property. With the assistance of Lexie’s keen senses, they find a disturbing crime scene, sparking the arrival of the full resources of the Police Force.
Investigations reveal a sinister, ritualistic pattern, and it soon becomes a race against time, as Scott believes the perpetrator's latest victim is still alive.
*WARNING* This book contains graphic violence. Not for the faint hearted.

I was born in Australia and currently reside in Tropical Far North Queensland with my partner.

My early childhood years were spent constantly on the move, and at times places remote and so isolated I used my imagination to create friends and another world. My family eventually settled in Rural Northern NSW, and a part of my life where my real need to write came to me, secretly writing down my stories for only me to see.

Very few of my friends were aware of my desire to become an author, and as my family grew up, so did my desire to write, until eventually taking the bold step to publish my first book, 'Natalia'.

I love the great outdoors, hitching up the camper trailer and travelling to far and remote places, some so vast you could disappear without a trace, but none the less beautiful.

My partner, two children and three stepchildren are my life source, my foundation and keep me focused on the road ahead.

I love anything that allows me to use my imagination and the freedom to be creative; writing, sewing and gardening.

I invite you to follow my dreams and adventures through my books, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do writing them for you.

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psychological thriller

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