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A deadly sabotage causes old demons to rise | A Scoop of Love @unwankwor #Romance #KU

A Scoop of Love by Unoma Nwankwor

Meet Rasheed Danjuma and Ibiso Jaja.
The first couple in the Son of Ishmael Trilogy.

You can read their story with Kindle Unlimited for a limited time.
Buy Link: AMAZON

Review from Romance In Color
"The bustling, energetic, northern city serves as the perfect backdrop for this story of the young restaurant/caterer entrepreneur, Ibiso and the established business consultant, Rasheed. As can be expected, the language and dialogue has an authentic foreign flavor that is sprinkled with African phrases and words throughout the novel. The family is a key element in this modern love story, and the author gives the reader insight into the strong family dynamic in the Nigerian culture. Rasheed is struggling to forgive his father who abandoned him, his mother and brothers. In addition, this subplot uncovers the Christianity vs. Muslim polarity that exists. Ibiso’s dilemma revolves around her Christian beliefs and applying them to mend her relationship with her estranged family, to deal with the deceit of a previous relationship, and to nurture her present relationship with Rasheed. Not only does Unoma Nwankwor pen the West African culture in vivid details, but she also weaves the universal themes of love and forgiveness into a well written story."

The oldest of the Danjuma brothers, Rasheed was a self-made man. He’d learned at an early age that love and commitment brought with it complications he didn’t want to deal with. His single-minded focus had paid off. He was able to step into the shoes of his absentee father by taking care of his mother and twin brothers. But just when he thought he could stop carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders, he gets a call that could change the trajectory of Rasheed’s life.

Ibiso Jaja, a professional caterer, had gambled on the love of a man and lost. Through the redeeming love of God, she had picked herself up and was now living her dream as the owner of Bisso Bites, a bistro in the heart of Abuja. However circumstances conspire to threaten the bistro and bring her face to face with the type of man she has vowed to avoid. The attraction is instant.

Once again, Rasheed is forced to do something he has done all his life – put the needs of his family ahead of his own. This time however, he crosses path with the sassy, independent, Jesus-loving caterer who is bent on making him see the power of forgiveness and God’s love. Just when Rasheed lets his guard down, a deadly sabotage causes old demons to rise. Will Rasheed continue to pursue power and success or surrender to the light of God’s love?

Buy Link: AMAZON

Rasheed Danjuma sighed aloud at the sight of another unwanted email from the law offices of Ezekiel and Stanley. These lawyers were beginning to work his last nerve. He placed his finger over the touchpad of his laptop, directed the cursor to the delete icon and pressed it.
It had been six months since Zayd Danjuma, the man that contributed to his genetic makeup, had passed away. And his lawyers were still hounding him. Rasheed had thought his non-attendance of the funeral service was a clear indication of his disinterest in anything they had to say about his so-called father.
Determined not to let the email ruin his day, he picked up the receiver and dialed his assistant’s extension. She picked up at the first ring.
“Yes, Rasheed?”
“Have you heard anything back from those clients in the United States?”
“No, I didn’t,” she said. “But while you were on your conference call, your mother called.”
Rasheed felt a strange rise in his stomach. His mother almost never called him on his office phone unless she wanted to reach him in a hurry. “Did she leave a message?”
“No, she just said to let you know she called.”
“Okay, thank you.” He disconnected the call.
Rasheed walked over to his jacket and pulled out his cell phone. Looking out of the large window of his Hyde Park office, his sense of unease grew. He checked, and there were three missed calls from his mother. His voice mail was empty. What was going on?
He dialed his mother. She answered on the third ring.
“Mama, you tried to reach me. Is everything okay?” “Nna, I really don’t know how to answer that.”
His mother used her term of endearment, Nna, for her sons when she wanted to ask for something she knew they didn’t want to give.
“What is it?”
“Those lawyers from your father’s estate came to see me today,” she said. “Rasheed, I don’t want those men in my shop or house. I’m asking you again to come home and see what they want.”
Rasheed’s jaw set. How dare those lawyers hound his mother? Why was it so important that he and his brothers attend the stupid will reading? Even though it had been twenty-five years since their father had walked out of their lives, the memory of that morning was still vivid. Their father didn’t care about them in life, so why was he so concerned about their well-being in death? Squaring up against those lawyers himself was one thing, but when they involved his mother, it was totally different. He wouldn’t have it.
“You mean they came to your shop?” Rasheed asked as though he didn’t hear her the first time. Anger shot through his feet as he began to pace the length of his office.
“Yes.” His mother’s voice sounded shaky. “It’s one thing for them to call, but to show up, I don’t appreciate it. They almost scared my customers away.”
After his mother had retired as a school administrator, she decided she couldn’t sit idle. Her love of fashion led to the opening of a boutique in the heart of Abuja’s business district. Within months, the business had flourished. Rasheed had supported her because whatever made his mother happy made him happy, too. After many years of living in pain, she deserved to live her life in peace. They all did.
Rasheed’s mind went back to the email he’d received earlier in the day. Since these lawyers were playing hardball, it was clear he had no choice but to travel to Nigeria. “If those lawyers call you again, tell them I’ll be there soon.”
His mother’s sigh expressed her relief. “God bless you, my son.”

“It’s okay, Mama. They better make it worth my while. If not, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” 


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Unoma Nwankwor

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