Title: Pharaoh’s Bed
Author: Mukami Ngari
Series: Nubia Love
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Love Africa
Release date: October 18,
TAGLINE: Can you love
someone who ruins everything you cherish?
Maa's dreams come true
when the prince of Aksum chooses her to be his bride. However on the night of
their marriage ceremony, the evil Pharaoh Lamani of Kemet invades Aksum with
his army. He takes the throne and Maa as his concubine.
She should hate him, but
each time their eyes meet it feels like she has known him all her life. Like
the hauntingly beautiful Lamani should be hers.
Can she love someone who
ruins everything she cherishes?
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The giant led her into the throne room and paraded her
before the man casually sitting on Prince Omek’s throne.
“Here she is, Pharaoh,” the giant said.
One look at the wadjet on his head, and her mouth dropped
in horror.
Pharaoh Lamani.
She had heard many stories about him, and all of them
were horrible, to say the least. First, people said he was an evil
sorcerer. They also said that the big pyramid he was building was overlaid with
blood, the blood of his enemies, and that when he died, a thousand servants
would be buried alive beside him.
But even in the worst of stories, the story teller never
failed to mention that Pharaoh Lamani was sculpted by Ari, the show-off god. Standing
before him now, Maa could see why.
Only a god could be blamed for how good-looking he was.
He had the rich, dark colour of fertile Nile soil, and
his painted eyes were as haunting as they were beautiful. One moment, they
promised her all the treasures of the land, and the next, they warned her to
run away as fast as she could.
And now, she found herself wanting to look again.
She felt a hum in her blood as her eyes wandered to his
sculpted chest and down to his powerful thighs barely covered by leopard skin.
Pharaoh Lamani chuckled; he had caught her staring. She tore
her gaze away. He rose from the throne and took measured steps towards
her. Her heart raced in anticipation. She took a step back, and another, and
then bumped into a statue.
Moments later, the pharaoh towered before her in an
intimidating stance.
He smelled like freshly cut cedar wood.
“The spy was right.” His voice rumbled in a deep growl. “I
have never seen such beauty.”
Maa suddenly felt faint, and her head started swimming. That
voice. He had the voice from her dream.
“Where is my husband?” she managed to ask.
“I gave your husband a choice, to stay and fight or to
run for his life. He chose to run.”
It did not sound true. Omek was the bravest warrior in
Aksum. There was no way he would run like a coward and leave his kingdom in the
enemy’s hands.
“He never even looked back.” The pharaoh’s eyes lit in
“He would never do that. He is a brave warrior,” she whispered.
Her mouth had gone dry. She did not want to believe he
was the voice in her dream.
It’s a spell.
He had put a spell on her. This good-looking sorcerer had
wielded magic on her, and that’s why she was feeling warm in all the wrong
“How well do you know your husband, Princess?” he asked.
He searched her eyes as if looking for something or
calling something forth. Maa’s toes dug into her sandals.
“Aksum is ready for you, my pharaoh.” A short man with a
fair complexion interrupted them.
Maa thanked the gods for the distraction. She did not
want to be alone with this sorcerer. Whatever spell he was cooking on her was
already taking root of her body and her senses. He was making her feel …
things she didn’t want to experience. Not for a man other than her husband.
“We should not keep them waiting, then,” the pharaoh
said, his gaze still scorching through her.
give in to his spell.
“Tear your silks,” he ordered.
Maa looked behind her. Perhaps there was someone else in
the room wearing silks.
“You, Princess.”
What a strange request.
“No. Why?” she asked out of curiosity.
“Well, I have to make the people believe that I truly
conquered Aksum.” He winked.
It took a moment to sink in. Good grief, he wanted the
people to think he had bedded her, their new princess. He wanted to humiliate
She had heard before of brutal conquerors who bedded the
queens and princesses of the lands they conquered as a show of dominance. She had
just never thought it would ever happen to her.
“No … I’m not tearing my silks”
“Or would you rather I truly conquer Aksum, hmm? Because
I can, and I will ... and I really, really want to” He licked his lips as his
gaze lingered hungrily up and down her body.
That was all the motivation she needed—he looked like a
man who meant what he said. Maa fumbled as she quickly felt for the hem of her
silks. She tried hard to tear at it, but the cloth would not rip.
“It can’t tear,” she said triumphantly.
The pharaoh drew her to him, and their bodies clung
together. He made a little tear at the chest, and then he felt for the hem and
tore through it.
Mukami Ngari lives in Rongai, Kenya. The urban side of Masailand.
Her education background is in Law but she is not practicing at the moment.
When she is not writing, you will find her practicing yoga.
She loves everything metaphysics and is a terrible vegan.
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