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February 2014 #ReadingChallenge Book(s) of the Month #AfricanAmerican #History

Welcome to February, Challengers!

This month on the Around The World in 80 Books Reading Challenge we are off to the US of A to explore African-American history through fiction.

But before I get to that I want to thank everyone who participated in January's reading challenge. A special commendation to those who complete January's Book of the month challenge and those who read books set in India. Here are the award winners.

The first set of Green Gems (Asia) are awarded to
 - Shonna
 - Parvin
 - Laura
 - Alaina
 - Shreyas
 - Kiru
 - Dee
 - Nana
 - Maya
Feel free to add the award to your blog

The first set of Yellow Gems are awarded to
 - Shonna  -  Heat and Dust
 - Alaina - Heat and Dust
 - Shreyas - Heat and Dust
 - Parvin  -  The God of Small Things
 - Parvin - Bollywood Fiance for a Day
 - Dee  -  Bollywood Fiance for a Day
 - Nana  - Bollywood Fiance for a Day
 - Kiru  -  Rajasthani Moon

Congratulations to all our award winners!
If you completed January's Challenges and I omitted your name, please either leave a comment here or email me. Remember to add the link to your January book reviews HERE.

Now on to February's books.

Bonus book: Please note that this is not a work of fiction. I've added it for those who want to explore more of African American history.

Feel free to read one or more. 
You are also welcome to read any other books dealing with African-American historical fiction.

The BOTM award will go to those who read any of the books listed above.

As we're in North America this month, the North-American Green Gem will be awarded at the end of this month to those who read the books last month and/or this month.

Please remember to add your book review links below

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Reading Challenge


  1. Hey

    I was just wondering, is 12 Years a Slave classed as one of the BOTM reads then?

    Dee x

    1. Yes, Dee. I will allow it as part of the Book of the month, if anyone wants to read and review it.


    2. Ooh I might give that one a go then as I bought it on Kindle last week :)

    3. Good. Happy reading. I look forward to reading your review of it.

  2. Wondering if the green gems are only given by the month?
    I've completed Africa, N America, S America, Australia, and Europe for continents in January

    A few more BOTM titles for black history reading :
    The Emancipation of Robert Sadler
    Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker
    The First Gardener by Denise Hildreth
    and a bit of wiki on The Help 's popularity -
    " "This heartbreaking story is a stunning début from a gifted talent."[3]
    The novel is Stockett's first. It took her five years to complete and was rejected by 60 literary agents before agent Susan Ramer agreed to represent Stockett.[4][5] The Help has since been published in 35 countries and three languages.[6] As of August 2011, it has sold five million copies and has spent more than 100 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list."
    I'll be enjoying at least one of these...

    1. Not seeing any designated continent for February - still unclear about your rules );
      Green gems for every continent read ? or are you setting certain ones for different months...
      Getting too complicated to play along if we don't know what you're after...

    2. Hiya, congratulations for reading across 5 continents in January. I've made a note to award your Green Gems when they are given out later.
      I'm only giving out one per month just so I don't get inundated. It helps me keep organised. By the end of the year all the Green Gems will be awarded along with the other Awards.
      So for February we're awarding the North American gem.

      I hope that's clearer.

    3. Ah, that's good to know! I figured it would be that way, but wasn't sure. I'll be doing all the continents in Feb itself (got 5 books from 5 continents thus far, with another 3 reviews to go in the next few days), so I was curious about this as well.

  3. You've all been very busy. Thank you to everyone who completed February's reading challenge.



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Have a nice day.

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George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons