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Love plus #Books equals Happy Ever After - Valentine's Day treats #Giveaway

Welcome to the Valentine's Day Blog Hop hosted by Laura Plus Books. Over here we are celebrating our love of books. Love + Books = Happy Ever After, don't you think? We think so and we've got some goodies for you.

Since this is a Valentine's Day hop, we're showcasing some Valentine-themed romance books for you to check out.

(Challenge Series, book 1)

"Two strong characters collide in this passionate and heart-warming tale."
Will they risk everything for love?

Life is good for ex-soldier turned entrepreneur Michael Ede. Or so he thinks. When his friends set him a challenge to exorcise the memory of a woman from his past, he expects it to be a walk in the park.

Socialite Kasie Bosa is spitting fire at men. Her long-term boyfriend has asked for a break via text message of all things. Fuming, she’s told him to go take a dive off the nearest bridge. So the next man who crosses her path is at risk of being shredded with her spa manicured nails.

Bad news for Michael who has chosen her as the object of his challenge. But neither of them can deny the sizzling chemistry between them nor control their responses, it seems. It’s the season of love. Will they escape unscathed?

(Holiday Series, Book #1)

To Lorna Ibe, Departmental Manager with one of London's multi-channel retailers, Valentine's Day lost its romantic flavour years ago. An unplanned holiday to New Jersey is her perfect getaway from the stress and emotional turmoil locked in her heart, just what she needs to take her mind off her troubles. That's until she runs into Logan.

Magazine publisher, Logan Blake has had his fair share of stress in the past few years. When his sister asks him to drop off old clothes to charity, he has a minor accident in front of the charity shop where Lorna volunteers. When he sets eyes on her bare midriff as she wipes the display window, he clears his busy schedule to volunteer his time. Two burdened hearts afraid to get entwined.

One Stolen Valentine Kiss. Will Valentine season bring them romance or will their fears keep them apart?
We are giving away $5 Amazon Gift Card. Simply complete the rafflecopter entries for your chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Check out the rest of the goodies on offer

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Valentine's Day


  1. no plans just hanging with my hubby

  2. My only intention for Valentine's day is to each chocolate. Whether someone buys it for me or not.

  3. I'll finish up work deadlines, and then bake something chocolatey!


  4. Thanks for the giveaway! I want t watch something romantic that day. <3

  5. Just staying home and hanging out with my family. :)

  6. A romantic dinner, cuddling up, gift exchange and other unprintable stuff...Oh! Valentine's Day, I can't wait.

  7. Thanks for recommending those great books! Actually we are celebrating this weekend. Going into NYC this Sunday night with friends, have dinner and come home Monday. I think we'll miss the crowds which is good.

  8. Dinner with my husband, for sure. Don't have anything else planned, yet.

  9. Probably working this Valentines Day and dinner with the bf.

  10. Probably going to be staying home and eating chocolate haha

  11. Reading a great book with some chocolate covered caramels! Happy Valentine's Day! evamilien at gmail dot com

  12. Having Dinner with the hubby and kids ! Thanks

  13. Working and reading. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Dinner and a movie at home

  15. No plans, probably do some reading.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. I'll be spending it with just my hubby and myself. He has always been very good to me on Valentine's Day, bringing long-stemmed red roses, chocolates, and a beautiful card!

  17. single so no plans - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  18. No plans,maybe reading a book :)


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Have a nice day.

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