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New #Book Alert: Faith's Temptation by Rose Dewallvin #bikers @Rosie_Dew13

Faith's Temptation Release Day Banner Synopsis
Faith Ann has always lived a simple life as the farmer's daughter until one day something happens that will change her life forever. Now faced with the choices of flight or fight, she leaves home and doesn't look back. Setting out on the journey of a lifetime.
Ryder Porter is the golden child of the DDMC. Thought to be a bad boy, he is also known as a teddy bear to the women that he lets in. Which are few and far between. Ryder is used to getting what he wants, so when fate intervenes and shows him something he wants, he goes for it. Though Faith is not his usual easy conquest.
Faith has never been one to give in to anything, but will Ryder be able to persuade Faith to give in to this temptation?

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“Faith, oh just the person I wanted to talk to.” And that is when I hear the voice I have been waiting to hear for weeks now. It’s him, it’s Ryder. I almost feel like I could do jumping jacks I am so happy. No, Faith. Keep your cool! The images of his gorgeous body flood my mind as I hear his voice curl around my ear drum.
“Y…ye…yes…” Pull it together Faith! “Yes, that’s me.” I say on little too high of a note.
Clearing my throat, I continue. “Is there something I can help you with? Or are you done wasting my time?” I ask with snarky tone to my voice.
“Ah, my sweet girl, what a mouth you have on you. What I would do to….” He starts to go into details but I cut him off.
“Is there something important you are calling for?” I bluntly ask him, becoming rather sick of his games in this short amount of time we have interacted.
“Oh yeah, is my sister around?” It sounds more like a statement than a question.
“Hang on; let me see if she’s here.” I start to turn away from the counter to look for this woman when I realize, I have no idea who his sister is! “Wait, who’s your sister?”
He starts to laugh on the other end of the phone, “Layla, of course.” He starts to laugh even harder once he says her name.
Standing there staring at the back of Layla’s head trying to put the pieces together on how these two are related, I scratch my head and get her just like he asked. “Layla you have a phone call.”
Layla turns around and nods her head towards me and finishes up her conversation with Lloyd before walking over to me. I see that they are almost done so I get on the phone; “She will be right with you, sir.”
“Oh, I love hearing you say ‘sir’. Gives me all kinds of dirty ideas.” He purrs into the phone.
Completely in shock and not knowing what to say, I cover my mouth with my hand. “So tell me something about yourself Faith, while we are waiting for Layla.” He says ever so casually.
I have no idea how to respond to him or if my words would even come out right if I tried to talk to him right now; so I just ignore him and hope that he won’t continue to talk to me.
“Oh, look. Here she comes.” I say to Layla as she is walking up to me with a strange look on her face as she sees the look on my face. “Well, you have yourself a blessed day now and God bless.” Maybe if I throw some real southern manners in there he’ll leave me alone.
But knowing this man he is going to have something to say back to me no matter what tone or words I use.
“Oh yes, you’re going to be a fair challenge, but I can promise you this I get what I want and I keep what I want.” He clicks his tongue on the other end of the phone. “I know you felt the connection between us, so when the time comes. Don’t fight it, just let Ryder take control.” He says in a commanding tone that’s dripping with raw sexuality.
“Excuse me, but I am not someone that you can just have and keep. I actually like being myself and not being told what to do.” I spit into the phone as I start to shake from being so frustrated and just flat out pissed off at this baboon.
Layla stops in front of me and stares right at me, mouthing the word ‘what’ I shake my head no at her and hold up my finger to signal one minute.
“Faith? Did I lose you?”
“No… You didn’t lose me. You didn’t have me in the first place, but I’m here.” I say back.
“I will be back in two days. You will have dinner with me when I get back. I would love to get to know you.” He is asking me on a date? Actually he isn’t asking me he is telling me. Is he kidding?
“I don’t think so; I’m not interested in going anywhere with you. So my answer is no. Sorry.” I let the cockiness seethe through my voice.
“Faith, run for as long as you want ‘cause I am not giving up on you. I like the chase and I love a challenge.” He clicks his tongue again, “So run, run while you can. Cause, I’m coming for you baby.” I can hear his smile through the phone.
“Get over yourself douche bag!” I say with disgust in my voice as I hand the phone over to Layla. “Here, he is all yours!”

Growing up in a small town close to Seattle, Rose saw many different walks of life. But growing up around bikers and rockers, she experienced most things people only dream of.
Now a thirty’s something wife, mother, sister, aunt and best friend –she is devoting her time and energy to bringing these experiences and many more to you in her books. Contact via Email!
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Rose Dewallvin

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