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#CoverReveal SINGE by KC Stewart #Giveaway

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Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services

Hailey has been taken. She was alive and had a dragon boyfriend with a shiny new body. Life was fantastic. Or it was until she was drugged and pulled right off the street. Hailey finds herself no match for the supernatural world. Will Dak come after her or did their latest battle of arrogance verses stubbornness ruin her chances of rescue? Dacea has two Mates. Word of his return was making its way through the dragon world and all the way to his runaway Mate. After hundreds of years of searching and wondering, Katherine was back and making herself at home. Dacea is stretched thin as he looks for Hailey and attempts to keep Katherine from moving in. Silas has a secret.
His mind is set and he’ll tear through whatever gets in his way. With a little more research he hopes to have his suspicions confirmed. And when they are, his discovery will change everything.
Genre Urban Fantasy
Expected Publication Date June 30th 2014
“Hello?” Dacea barked into the phone. “Missing someone?” He was going to enjoy this entirely too much. “Silas you little fuck. What have you done?” “Calm now Dacea. Hailey is perfectly fine. Aren’t you, my dear?” Silas turned to Hailey who struggled against her bindings. Her words masked by the duct tape covering her mouth. “You know, if you stopped biting people then I wouldn’t have to gag you.” “Let me speak with her.” “She is not harmed.” Silas ran a hand down her hair chuckling at the deadly glare she shot his way. “I would like to hear that from her.” Dacea’s voice wavered as his dragon neared the surface. Silas always found a half changed Red hilarious with their forked tongues slurring their words. “Very well.” Silas peeled the tape from Hailey’s mouth and held the phone to her ear. “Dak, could you tell Lia I’m not going to make it for coffee.” She said with continued plots of death in her eyes. “Hailey, Love, are you ok?” “Besides being really pissed off, I’m fine.” “What happened?” Silas could hear the relief in his voice. It was sweet, and he would enjoy picking at that weakness like a hardened scab later. “This bitch pulled me off the street and drugged me. I woke up while they were tying me to this chair.” She pulled a bit at her arms tied behind her back. Testing them for the hundredth time. “That’s when I bit the guard and kicked another.” Her voice shone with pride. “Good girl. I’m coming for you, Hailey. But in the meantime, give them hell.” “Dak, I lo-“ Silas pulled the phone away with a chuckle. “And that’s enough for one day.” “What do you want, Silas?” Gone was the loving tone of a man smitten, in its place was that of a dragon missing his Mate. How easily Silas could make people mindless killers. It was a gift really. “Oh Dacea, I’ve got everything I want right here.” He tapped Hailey’s nose and replace the tape on her mouth. “Silas.” Dacea said with warning. “Do not worry Dak.” He spit out the pet name. “I have sent a gift your way.” “Don’t call me that.” “Ah yes, apologies. Well, I only called to keep you from worrying. Goodbye Dacea.” Silas hung up on Dacea’s cry of anger. “Right then.” He turned and smiled at Hailey. “Shall I show you to your cell?”
About the Author
961197K.C. Stewart lives in central Pennsylvania with her three cats. She is currently attending college online for Library Science while working full time as a photographer. In her spare time, which isn't easy to find, she reads an obnoxious amount and writes in between everything else. K.C. has a very real addiction to gummy bears and talking to her cats when no one is around.
K.C. Stewart lives in central Pennsylvania with her three cats. She is currently attending college online for Library Science while working full time as a photographer. In her spare time—which isn’t easy to find—she reads an obnoxious amount, and writes in between everything else. K.C. has a very real addiction to gummy bears and talking to her cats when no one is around.
Connect with K.C. Stewart!

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